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  • New Brunswick
  • Newark
  • Camden
  • Courses offered entirely online.  Hybrid courses are NOT included.
  • Burlington County Community College - Mt Laurel
  • Camden County College - Blackwood Campus
  • County College of Morris
  • Denville - RU-Morris
  • Freehold WMHEC - RU-BCC
  • Mays Landing - RU-ACCC
  • Mercer County Community College
  • McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst RU-JBMDL
  • North Branch - RU-RVCC
  • RU @ the Shore


  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
* Supported browsers include: IE8+, Firefox 41+, Chrome 45+, Safari 5+
For all questions regarding course and schedule information, please contact the appropriate Help Desk: Camden Help Desk, Newark Help Desk, New Brunswick/Piscataway Help Desk.
For any comments or suggestions regarding this site, you may contact us at

Course Schedule Planner

Rutgers students may use Course Schedule Planner to build, compare, review, and register schedules for available semesters. Long term planning, course catalog search, automated schedule generation, improved calendar view, advanced filtering, wish list and WebReg integration are just a few features that will make planning a schedule easier and faster than ever.


The University reserves the right to change, add and delete course offerings and to alter, add or cancel course sections without further general notice.

Textbook Pricing and ISBN Information

Textbook information, including retail pricing and International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) for courses offered at Rutgers may be obtained at the links below if such information is available. To find textbook information for a particular course, student will need to have the following information: level of study (e.g. undergraduate); (ii) semester course is offered; (iii) department offering course (e.g. English: 350); (iv) course number; and (v) section number.

These links are to the respective campus bookstores, and although students may purchase the textbooks at these sites, students are not required to purchase the textbooks to view the textbook information.
Camden Bookstore | Newark Bookstore | New Brunswick Bookstore

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